Top 10 online dating profile mistakes
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Top 10 online dating profile mistakes | Help! No one answers my dating profile. What am I doing wrong?
What's up, guys! Welcome to The Myles Show. The most authentic dating and relationship show that will tell you things as they are.
Guys, before we get going. I want to remind you of the brand new FREE eBook I just released recently. It’s called: “Get a girl to like you”. I basically drill down how you can master the art of conversation in order to get a girl to like you. So if I were you, I’d definitely grab a free copy today by simply clicking on the link in the video’s description box right down below. I will then send you the free copy ASAP!!
Now, I have been receiving many questions from guys about online dating. I got a message that said,
“Hey, Iain. I loved your video on how to make a good first message online. I have been on several dating apps for more than a year, but I never get hits on my profile. What am I doing wrong? Please, help me!”
Thank you for sharing your story. I love you too brother; happy to help! Your dating profile is crucial in online dating because it will make you stand out from other men. However, most men find it challenging to write compelling dating profiles without giving too much or too little about themselves. We'll talk about the top ten online dating profile mistakes that guys make in today's video.
Your profile is too general.
One of the most common mistakes that guys make when creating their dating profile is generalizing themselves. Millions of men are saying how caring, fun, loving, and adventurous they are. A woman is looking for a guy that stands out or one that she'll feel they have a lot in common. Instead of writing how caring and adventurous you are, write an event or experience that shows you are caring or adventurous.
You have a shallow profile.
It's challenging to get hits on your dating profile if it's shallow because women cannot relate to you. Most guys describe their physical attributes, age, and what they want. A woman needs to know something about you that will make you feel familiar to her. The connection that's triggered by familiarity will get you the hits you want on your profile.
eBooks are on sale at
How to Get Girls to Chase You
Dating Guide for men
Become An Alpha Male
Carpe Diem
Get Her Crazy In Bed
Introverted Casanova
Social Anxiety
Conversation Hacks
Confidence Booster
Durable Confidence for Men
The Sexual Master
The Persuasion Master
Script Builder
Iain Myles is an executive dating coach of Kamalifestyles. He specializes in coaching men who have been looking for dating success and chronically unlucky with women. He publishes regular infield dating videos and social experiments in KamaTV. He’s highly experienced in live training of our clients on streets, coffee shops, in bars and clubs. Iain teaches the core principles of the approach that every guy needs to know to become successful in dating including confidence, conversational skills, connection and mind sets. He has been featured in top radios and newspapers in UK and Ireland.
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