Top 10 NBA Point Scorers Per Season 1950 - 2019
This timeline compilation is the top 10 NBA point scorers per season from 1950 all the way through 2019.
Every NBA season is a whirlwind of scoring and this timeline will show you 69 years worth of NBA history. Included in the timeline are several video clips as well as photos of the scoring leader of that year.
Here are just some of the scoring champions included in this video:
* George Mikan
* George Gervin
* Michael Jordan
* Pete Maravich
* Wilt Chamberlain
* Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
* Bob McAdoo
* Lebron James
* Larry Bird
* James Harden
* Kobe Bryant
* Shaquille Oneil
Data provided by the NBA and Basketball-Reference. I've been an NBA fan since growing up and have always been fascinated by the best scorers.
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If you liked this video, check out my other NBA video here:
Top 12 NBA Career Points Leaders 1946 - 2019