Top 10 super foods to make your child Super Intelligent & Smart in Mother's Womb | Dr. Nitisha Shah
Hello Everyone,
As a Parents, we all want our baby to be Super Smart and Super Intelligent..Using Garbhsanskar Techniques like Visualization, Logical Activities, Creative Activities, Yoga, Pranayama, Music you can get your Dream Baby..Pregnant Mother’s Diet also plays key role for having Brainy Baby..In this video, I have Listed 10 Super Foods that can make your baby Super Intelligent and Smart in Mother womb only..If Mother consumes Foods rich in Omega-3, fatty acid, DHA, Folic Acid, Iron, Vitamin D, Iodine, she can definitely get Brainy Baby she wished for.
I m Dr. Nitisha Shah, Physiotherapist and Garbhsanskar Coach have guided many couple to have their Dream baby using scientific techniques..
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Happy Parenting!!