Top 10 Terrifying Animals Found in Rivers
Top 10 Terrifying Animals Found in Rivers
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Top 10 Terrifying Animals Found in Rivers
Just when you thought it’s safe to swim in rivers, we give you yet 10 more reasons why you shouldn’t,
Terrifying animals aren’t only confined in the vast ocean, like the guy on number one on this list, which
can actually swim in both salt and freshwater. Find out what it is by staying tuned. Here are the top 10
terrifying animals found in rivers.
Number 10. The Alligator Gar
The alligator gar truly is a monster freshwater fish. It’s ancient fish that’s as big as a shark, also with a
fearsome reputation, that inhabits the rivers of the Mississippi river valley. They can grow to nearly 7
feet long and weigh several hundred pounds. However, despite their sinister reputation, gar fish are not
the man-eaters they were once thought to be.
For nearly a half-century, alligator gars were considered “trash fish” or a “nuisance species” that were
detrimental to sport fisheries, and therefore targeted for elimination by state and federal authorities in
the United States, but the last ten years has seen a greater emphasis placed on the importance of
alligator gars to the ecosystems they inhabit. As a result, they were afforded protection by restricted
licensing. They are also protected under the Lacey Act which makes it illegal to transport fish in
interstate commerce when in violation of state law or regulation. Several state and federal resource
agencies are monitoring populations in the wild, and have initiated outreach programs to educate the
public. Alligator gars are being cultured in ponds, pools, raceways and tanks by federal hatcheries for
mitigation stocking, by universities for research purposes, and in Mexico for consumption.
Number 9. The Green Anaconda
Did you think that only fish swim in the rivers? Oh how wrong you are. There is a creature that is leaps
and bounds more terrifying than any fish in this list so far. It is huge, it has sharp teeth, it can crush you
like you were made of play-doh, or plasticine for our European friends. Oh, and let’s not forget, it can
swallow you whole. I’m talking about none other than the green anaconda.
The green anaconda is a non-venomous constrictor found in the Brazilian Amazon and some other parts
of South America. It is one of the most feared and revered species of the Amazon. They live in swamps,
slow-moving streams, and marshes of the Amazon where they remain nearly completely submerged in
the water, waiting to strike on the unsuspecting prey that comes to drink the water.
Although the snakes are sluggish on land, they are sleek and stealthy in the water. Once they catch their
prey within their lethal coil, the prey’s last moments are near as the snakes suffocate their prey to
death. Although no evidence has yet been recorded, the green anacondas have been often labeled as
“man-eaters” with several unverified reports of humans being eaten by these giant snakes existing.
Number 8. The Candiru
Terror doesn’t have to come in large packages. Sometimes, it’s the smaller things that you should be
watchful for. And when it comes to pint sized terrors, no one tops the candiru.
The candiru is a small, parasitic catfish that has a tendency to find its way into, well, uncomfortable
places, in order to feed on an organism’s blood. Sometimes, these organisms are humans. With a burst
of energy, they propel their way into an opening, and once they are in this opening, they get themselves
lodged into place through the sharp, backward-pointing spines by their head. These spines extend into
the host, lodging the candiru firmly in place. From here, the fish happily feeds on the organism’s blood.
The problem is, this fish isn’t very picky when choosing its “openings”, and how many natural “openings
do us humans have? I’m not describing this any further, use your imagination.
Many individuals who are familiar with this fish claim that it is attracted to the scent of urine, and will
attempt to take a direct route to reach the source of the smell. In other words, once the source of the
smell is located, it is said that the fish swims up through the stream of urine coming from the urethra
and heads into the organism’s urinary tract. Once it’s made its residence, it stays there and the only way
to remove it is through surgery. One word; ouch.