Top 10 Things That Can Destroy Earth
Top 10 Things That Can Destroy Earth
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Top 10 Things That Can Destroy Earth
Nothing lives forever, and yes, that also applies to the planet we live in. While it is inevitable that the
world is going to end, the big question is how and are we going to be alive to see it happen? Here are a
few scenarios that may happen in the end of days. Number one is a phenomenon that is constantly
happening, I’m pretty surprised it hasn’t done us in yet. Stay tuned to find out what that is as we bring
you 10 things that can destroy the earth.
Number 10. Total Global System Collapse
Now, this might not be catastrophic in the biblical sense, but it’s definitely going to send the entire
planet into a veritable dystopia.
Total global system collapse basically just means the world's economic and political systems collapse. It
can be caused by many things, but more than likely by way of something like a severe and prolonged
recession with high bankruptcy rates and high unemployment, a breakdown in normal commerce
caused by hyperinflation, or even an economically-caused sharp increase in the death rate and perhaps
even a decline in population.
The collapse may even be brought about by natural causes, such as a massive coronal ejection from the
sun, causing disruption in all of Earth’s electrical systems. And because of the world’s reliance to
constantly be on the grid, well, you can imagine the utter chaos that this will cause.
With that said, it's still unclear whether these things would pose an existential threat. After all, the
human race has seen and survived past economic downturns — even massive ones like the Great
Depression. An economic collapse would have to be exponentially more massive than that to risk human
extinction or to decimate enough people that the survivors couldn't recover.
Number 9. Synthetic Super Bugs
This isn't much of a risk today, but given how fast technology is evolving, it could be in the future.
Synthetic biology is an emerging field that focuses on the creation of biological systems, including
artificial life. Yes, scientists are now literally playing God.
The danger, in theory at least, danger is that the tools of synthetic biology could easily be used to
engineer a supervirus or superbacteria that is more infectious and capable of mass destruction than one
that evolved naturally. Most likely, these synthetic superbugs would be created as a biological weapon.
There are many ways these superbugs could be unleashed on the unsuspecting planet. For one, trigger
happy military leaders may choose to deploy then in combat, or terrorists might grab a hold of them and
unleash chaos worldwide. And of course, it could be accidentally leaked from the lab.
Whatever the scenario, what would follow would be a bleak future indeed.
Number 8. A Major Asteroid Impact
Again, this has happened before, and we all know that the aftermath definitely changed the world
We have seen large asteroid impacts in the past that caused large-scale extinction on Earth in the. Most
famously, the Chicxulub impact 66 million years ago, which is widely believed to have caused the mass
extinction that wiped out many of the earth’s species at the time, including the dinosaurs. In theory, a
future impact could have a very similar effect, but this time, there are no more dinosaurs to go extinct. It
would be us.
The good news is that NASA is extremely confident in its ability to track these civilization killers large
enough to seriously disrupt human life upon impact, and their detection efforts are constantly
improving. Scientists are also seriously working on developing ways to deflect these asteroids, such as
by crashing spacecraft into them with enough force to change their path, avoiding Earth. I say just send
Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, and Steve Buscemi up there just like we did the last time.
Number 7. Nuclear War
Despite the current embargo on nuclear armaments, the threat of nuclear war still hovers in the
background, like that annoying hum in your ear you can’t seem to get rid of.
The "good" news here is that nuclear war could only end humanity under very special circumstances.
While Hiroshima and Nagasaki were clearly huge tragedies, detonating just a couple of nuclear
warheads will never render humans extinct. In fact, detonating even a thousand of these would still be
not enough.