Top 10 Things That Can Destroy Earth
Top 10 Things That Can Destroy Earth
If you look around, there’s at least a report of just how badly off the earth is due to pollution. As a result of our harmful activities, this planet we call home might not hang around for long.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
All the plastics, poisonous gases, deforestation among others are surely hitting the earth where it hurts most – bringing the end of the earth closer with every passing day.
But did you know there are other agents that are just as effective in destroying the earth? Well, there might be a very small chance of them happening but we can at least tell the consequences.
In today’s video, we look at 10 of these events whose occurrence will vanish this home of ours. Take a look.
#10 A Pandemic
Of course, this will affect us, the humans in particular. And if we're to die off then it means the earth has stopped to exist, at least for us.
That said, not every other pandemic is enough to threaten the human population on a global scale. Pandemics have always been there. And they've taken millions of people with them. The black plague, for instance, killed a quarter of people in Europe. Influenza is another that is credited with wiping out as many as 20 million people in a year.
So how large should an epidemic be for it to completely exterminate humankind? Should it affect everyone?
Far from it. All that is needed is for the disease outbreak to kill just enough people such that the remaining few cannot continue with self-sustaining activities like agriculture and eventually die.
While we’ve made advancements as far as combating illnesses is concerned, they’re still a huge risk of spreading pathogens around for a couple of reasons.
For one, there is an improved transport network. It is now easier to move than it was in, say, the 14th century when the black plague broke out. That means it is easy for an infected individual to risk a fairly large number of people. Couple that with the fact that a good chunk of us choose to settle in densely populated urban areas and you’ll be looking at a global scale infection.
#9 Gamma-Ray Burst
Stars make up a good part of the universe. And once in a while – that is millions of years – any of these stars may merge into one. This causes tremendous amounts of energy to be given off – a phenomenon known as a gamma-ray burst.
A gamma-ray burst is numerous times stronger than the sun and one occurring close enough to earth will obliterate it in the shortest time possible. Even at a distance of about 1000 light-years further than the nearest stars, these energy bursts still pose a huge risk to our home.
So what happens once the energy release kicks off?
We will be safe – at least for some time. The atmosphere is enough to initially shield off the radiation released by a gamma-ray burst. But once the assault on the atmosphere is over, potent reactions would have been set off.
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