Top 10 Trending programming languages and all time popular | 2010-2020
Ranking the top 10 programming languages by questions asked on StackOverflow from January 2010 to December 2020. The top 10 "trendiest" is determined by the total of questions asked with the corresponding tag in the last 3 months of the checked date. The top 10 "all-time popular" is determined by the historical total of questions asked with the corresponding tag from 2010 to the checked date.
I had initially merged tags (C++/C++11, Python/Python2.7) but then rolled back as questions are much often tagged with both tags rather than a single one. So keep in mind the C++/Python tags might be under-represented a bit because of this choice.
I've left HTML as a programming language but removed CSS. CSS was ranking fairly high and preventing "real" but less popular programming languages from appearing, like Swift and R. I mean, you can do CSS but you're not a "CSS programmer".
00:00 Initial data
00:11 C#'s domination
00:36 Java is getting popular
00:54 Javascript's battle to take over
01:20 Javascript taking a good lead
01:41 Python's moving slowly in with the big boys
02:34 Python's popularity increasing even more
Data from Stack Exchange Data Explorer with a query of my own.