Top 10 Weirdest Phobias of All Time!
10. Nomophobia: Fear of not having Cellphone. 50% of cell phone users are affected by nomophobia.
9. Triskaidekaphobia: Fear of the number 13. Due to superstition, these people avoid number 13.
8. Chaetophobia: Fear of Hair. Hair loss can be a trigger to this phobia.
7. Plutophobia: Fear of Money. People with plutophobia don't want any money.
6. Heliphobia: Fear Of Sunlight. These people sit in darkness 24/7 to avoid the Sun.
5. Amathophobia: Fear of Dust. These people get anxiety seeing dust anywhere.
4. Globophobia: Fear of Balloons. The Source of fear may be the sound of balloons popping.
3. Zoophobia: Fear of all Animals. These people dislike all kinds of non-humans.
2. Allodoxaphobia: Fear of other’s opinions. Other people's opinions can make them uncomfortable.
1. Cherophobia: Fear of being Happy. These people avoid activities that bring happiness, for them, happiness is basically pointless.
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