10 Scariest Phobias In The World!
From fears of natural events, to fears that can cripple people's lives, and more! Join me as I show you the scariest phobias that people have!
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10. Arachnophobia
Arguably one of the most widespread fears in the world, Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders. One of the reasons that many people have this fear is because they don't like bugs or arachnids, of which spiders are obviously one of them. People with arachnophobia can’t even look at pictures of them. And they can get big!!
9. Aerophobia
On the surface, Aerophobia might seem like one that is rather easy to combat. It’s the fear of flying. But you're thinking about this all wrong. Because at times, flying is the only way to get somewhere. For example, imagine having Aerophobia in a job where you need to travel across the country in quick time (meaning driving or taking a train isn't an option) or one where you need to fly all over the world.
8. Nyctophobia
In the world today, day and night isn't just something we have, it's a vital part of the world itself. Without night and the darkness it brings, the world would suffer, and more than likely overheat because there would be nothing to cool it down. I mean we need day and night to survive! Our whole biological rhythm needs it. But to those with Nyctophobia, the coming of night brings forth all the fear that could possibly be within oneself, as it's the fear of the dark.
7. Glossophobia
If you're unaware of this particular phobia, do not be alarmed, it is simply the fear of public speaking. Which may be a phobia that you aren't sure is really "worthy" of being called "scary", but yet for those who have this particular fear, it's crippling in ways that you can't possibly understand.
6. Claustrophobia
One of the more "classic" phobias if you will, Claustrophobia is the fear of enclosed spaces. Which in the world we live in is something that can be very hard to avoid. For example, you might think of a closed space like the foundation of a home that people sometimes have to crawl into in order to do a job. Or an alley, or a tunnel in certain cases.
5. Agoraphobia
In many ways, Agoraphobia is the opposite of Claustrophobia. Because while Claustrophobia is the fear of enclosed spaces, Agoraphobia is the fear of open spaces. Which basically means the entire world in a certain sense.
4. Coulrophobia
The term "irrational fear" is meant to define fears that honestly shouldn't make people scared, and yet do, and few fears are as justified in that term as Coulrophobia, the fear of clowns. What's rather curious about this fear is that about 7.8% of Americans alone are afraid of clowns, and their reactions to them can be rather traumatic to the person involved.
3. Chronophobia
In many ways, Chronophobia is a fear that a majority of people have in a certain context. Because Chronophobia is the fear of time passing. Now, usually, Chronophobia is triggered in a person by a certain state of mind. For example, depression, regular anxiety, and the fear that things are just "going too fast" and thus you need to do more in order to make up for the time you have "lost".
2. Anthropophobia
Can you guess what this particular phobia is? We'll give you a hint, if you're with a friend watching this right now, you don't have this phobia. Anthropophobia is the fear...of people. To some this might sound impossible, "how can someone be afraid of all people?" But it's a phobia that is real, and it can happen in ways that truly ruin lives. It can be a traumatic event that sets it off, or just be an innate fear of people in general.
1. Heliophobia
If you were to go outside right now and look up in the sky, more than likely you would see the sun, and that alone would prove you don't have Heliophobia, as it's the fear of the sun.
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