These are not be the 8th wonder of the world. These are about our mysterious planet which you will see for the first time. Seeing and getting to know about unusual things for the first time is always impressive.
You are alive, having two beautiful eyes that wants to see and devour. Why not we be the first to let you know about these earth spectacles. Take a peek to know about these incredible Internet things you will see for the first time in your life!
1. Vantablack
Vantablack is a nanomaterial that is darker than any other substance on Earth. It was developed in the UK by Surrey NanoSystems in 2015 and is actually a collection of vertical carbon tubes that are "grown" on a substrate.
2. The blue angel sea slug
Glaucus Atlanticus is a species of sea slug nicknamed the "blue angel." This otherworldly creature is as rare as it is beautiful and is only found on the coasts of South Africa and Australia.
3. Slice ofAerogel
Aerogel is an ultralight material made from gel and gas. It's been nicknamed "frozen smoke" or "solid cloud" because of its ethereal appearance.
4. Rainbow eucalyptus trees
The Eucalyptus Deglupta tree may look like it has fallen out of a Dr. Seuss book, but it actually grows in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines.
5. cathedral made of salt
The Salt Cathedral of Zipaquirá is an underground Roman Catholic Church in Cundinamarca, Colombia, that was excavated from a salt mine in 1954.
6. Goblin sharks
Goblin sharks are a rare species of deep sea shark that are sometimes referred to as "living fossils." They are the only known remaining member of the ancient Mitsukurinidae family of sharks.
7. Bismuth
You may remember the chemical element bismuth from your high school chemistry class, but you probably had no idea that it has a colorful, iridescent appearance and one definite must see for the first time in your life.
8. volcano withblue lava:
Indonesia's KawahIjen volcano an amazing thing you may only see once in your life at least.
9. The Voynich Manuscript
The Voynich Manuscript is a 240 page medieval tome written in an unknown language that has baffled scholars and code-breakers for years.
10. Point Nemo:
Point Nemo is the furthest point from land on Earth. Officially known as the oceanic point of inaccessibility, it's located in the center of the triangle made by Ducie Island, Motu Nui which is part of the Easter Island chain and Maher Island near Antarctica.
11. The Danakil Depression looks like the surface of an alien planet:
Ethiopia's Danakil Depression is home to one of the most bizarre looking landscapes on Earth.
12. underwater lakes and rivers:
Also known as brine pools, underwater lakes are bodies of water that have a much higher salinity especially saltiness than the surrounding ocean.
13. massive fungus:
Whales, redwood trees, and elephants are all very big but they're not the largest living organism on the planet by acreage.
14. Tardigrades
Tardigrades, also called water bears or moss piglets, are fascinating microorganisms that can survive just about anywhere.
15. cave with white crystals:
Fittingly known as the Cueva de los Cristales or The Cave of Crystals, this enchanting cavern is crisscrossed with gleaming gypsum crystals that dwarf human explorers and yes belongs in this world of ours.
16. Malaysians move their homes:
Things that you will see and amaze is the Malay community in villages to move wooden housesliterally by lifting and carrying the structures.
17. Undersea Waterfall:
The southwest coast of Mauritius appears to be teetering on the edge of a plunging, undersea waterfall.
19. Heart beating outsidebody:
An albino baby turtle has provoked an outpouring of compassion online, because she was born with her heart beating outside of her chest.
20.Ghost Plant:
The two main types of plants that are naturally without chlorophyll are called the Dodders and Broomrape.
Among this list which one you have seen for the first time and want to see in your real life? Don’t forget to share with us.
Tag: THINGS YOU WILL SEE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YOUR LIFE, things that you will see for the first time, top 10, top 20, The blue angel sea slug, sea slug, blue angel, Heart beating outside body, albino baby turtle, heart beating outside chest, albino baby, blow your mind,mind blowing,in the world,that you,will see,in your life, things, you will see, first time,for the first time,in your life, first time,mind tricks,brain time,the most,you will see,your life,never seen before,that you will see,things you see for the first time in your life, interesting facts, unusual objects, be amazed, world record,on earth, unusual videos,interesting things,caught on camera,phenomena and processes,never seen before,viral video,viral videos, the most,your life,that you will see,things you, animals,animal,phenomena, blow