TOP 25 Smallest Differences between Country's Votes vs Final Results | Eurovision 1975 - 2021
the times when europe's music taste were shown in a country's voting, because it showed a big similarity with the contest final ranking.
intro song: Elina Konstantopoulou - Pia Prosefhi & Şebnem Paker - Dinle
outro song: Throes + The Shine - Coisa Louca
esc voting notes:
1975 - 1996 : all countries used 100% jury.
1997 - 2009 : 100% televote mainly used with exception of some countries that used backup juries (100% jury).
2009 - 2015: Combined 50% jury / 50% televote mainly used with exceptions of backup juries.
2016 - 2021: every country has 2 votings: 100% jury and 100% televote and both of them are compared to the final results
this is all the excel sheets divided because it was too big
1975 - 1999:
2000 - 2015:
2016 - 2021:
PS: in the excel sheets when it says "difference of positions between each country Top 10 and the Global Top 10", its actually difference of positions between each country Top 10 and the Global Ranking"