Top 5 Best Hydro dippping patterns compilation (water transfer printing
Top 5 Best Hydro dipping patterns compilation/water transfer printing.
This is the basic steps to hydro dip any product you want and show your creativity. Learn -
**step by step hydro dipping -
**Links to buy and be creative :
1.Diy Home kit for Hydro dipping-
2.(optional)10 pack of Hydrographics Film -
For more details check this out-
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Definition-Hydrographics or HydroGraphics, also known as immersion printing, water transfer printing, water transfer imaging, hydro dipping or cubic printing, is a method of applying printed designs to three-dimensional surfaces. The hydrographic process can be used on metal, plastic, glass, hard woods, and various other materials. #hydrodipping #swirlpaint
Process-A polyvinyl alcohol hydrographic film,the graphic image to be transferred, is carefully placed on the water's surface
in the dipping tank.Spray activator is then sprayed on the surface.
material is immersed into the tank and film is set on the material giving it amazing look.
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