Viewer Question 8 - My Top 10 Chinese Medicine Books
Here is my response to a viewer question of what my top 10 recommendations for Chinese medicine books are. I would LOVE to hear what your top books are in the comments and why! Don't be shy! Let the comments become an awesome resource for Chinese medicine practitioners worldwide!
My list:
1. A Manual of Acupuncture by Peter Deadman
2. The Foundations of Chinese Medicine by Giovanni Maciocia
3. Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine by Giovanni Maciocia
4. Materia Medica by Dan Bensky
5. Formulas & Strategies by Dan Bensky
6. The Secret of Chinese Pulse Diagnosis by Bob Flaws
7. Finding Effective Acupuncture Points by Shudo Denmai
8. Helping Ourselves by Daverick Leggett
9. Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture by Hicks & Hicks
10. Tao Te Ching by Jane English
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