What Does YOUR VA Disability Rating Decision Letter REALLY Mean?
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In this video, you will dive into Sean's personal VA Rating Decision Letter and get a detailed breakdown of what it all really means!
If you would like Sean to help you with your VA Claim, you can sign up with him here
VA Rating Decision Letter -- Topic & Timestamp:
03:25 “Evidence” section is most important/Know the content
10:25 Reviewing your VA Disability Rating Decision
14:45 Defining “Functional loss”
21:45 Understanding the higher evaluation/Criteria for the next increase
23:45 Navigating CFR 38-DEEP DIVE
31:50 Teaching CFR navigation
37:01 Review of deferred rating
If you have ever filed a claim or an increase for a claim, the VA will send out an Award Letter once they have reviewed and rewarded/denied compensation.
These letters are important and should be read because they give not only a decision on your claim(s) but, a detailed breakdown of the evidence that you provided in regards to your claim and the reasons for their decisions.
The reason you, the Veteran, should read and understand this VA Award Letter is because if you were denied or underrated you have the ability to not only understand why but to also plan and prepare your next attack!