What You Need To Know To Make Sense Of 'Cats' | Pop Culture Decoded
You have likely seen or at least heard of the Andrew Llyod Webber musical “Cats,” but did you really understand what you were watching? The bizarre story, based on a book of poems by T. S. Eliot, revolves around a tribe of cats called Jellicles, which are competing in a singing competition so they can die and be reborn as a better version of themselves. A new theatrical interpretation of the classic musical features an A-List cast, including Jennifer Hudson, Judi Dench, Jason Derulo, James Corden, Ian McKellen, Idris Elba and Taylor Swift. We break down the plot and the characters to help explain why these cats are singing and dancing in the first place, and what it all means.
#Cats #Musical #Insider
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What You Need To Know To Make Sense Of 'Cats' | Pop Culture Decoded