FEAR FOODS – How to Have a Healthy Relationship with Food
Let’s talk about FEAR foods and how to have a healthy relationship with food. Whether you deal with stress eating or emotional eating, binge eating or food cravings, many people (myself included) have certain FEAR foods: Foods with Emotional Attachment or Rules.
When we’re trying to figure out how to stop emotional eating or how to stop stress eating, when we’re looking for how to control food cravings, it’s important to consider that these eating habits are often rooted in emotional attachments we have to certain foods. And, we often impose RULES on our eating, not realizing that this can actually intensify our cravings.
I know what it’s like to have anxiety about food and to have an unhealthy relationship with food. I’ve found ideas from mindful eating and intuitive eating helpful, but above all I’ve put in the work to find the kind of food freedom that works for ME. And it’s still a work in progress!
So what are your fear foods and what are your food rules? Do you have emotional attachments to certain foods? I’ll walk you through some of my fear foods and give you some tips!
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Relevant Resources:
★ Whole30 Website https://whole30.com/
★ Food Freedom Forever https://amzn.to/3dcP4JZ
★ What Is Whole30? https://bit.ly/2Pup9mq
★ Whole30 Meal Prep https://youtu.be/XXOi_rJiR_M
★ Whole30 Fridge Tour https://youtu.be/CeBblR-Y3HU
★ 17 Low Sugar Cereals https://youtu.be/TE1TS7lZx8Q
★ Healthy Breakfast Cereal Choices https://youtu.be/X3goPrQKE20
★ Healthy Processed Snacks https://youtu.be/h0aa5LAFtPs
★ Unhealthy Foods Pretending to Be Healthy https://youtu.be/USlD8m0k9cQ
★ Gluten Free Bread Taste Test https://youtu.be/Ywlb4dCq3AA
★ 3 Gluten Free Bread Recipes https://youtu.be/CAibB2kIJX0
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The information provided on this channel is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information on this channel for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you suspect you might have a health problem.
#MindOverMunch #Anxiety #AnxietyFoods