Future Wealth Gain ULIP Plan | Bajaj Allianz Life
Bajaj Allianz Life Future Wealth Gain is a unit-linked endowment life insurance plan that provides life cover, with wealth generation opportunities to get your #LifeGoalsDone. Visit https://www.bajajallianzlife.com/ulip-plans/future-wealth-gain.html to know more.
Ever drove a car with a lot of luggage? You might have realised that the extra load slows down the vehicle, doesn't let it accelerate quickly. You end up using more power and fuel.
This analogy works towards your investments too. Imagine getting substantial returns over your long-term ULIP investment, only to lose a majority of your profits towards various ULIP charges. It slows down your life goals journey.
What you need is a low-cost investment option that allows you to reallocate your funds according to changing market conditions. We're proud to present the Bajaj Allianz Life Future Wealth Gain - a Unit-Linked Endowment Life Insurance Plan, that will help you accelerate your life goals journey.
Bajaj Allianz Life Future Wealth Gain offers zero premium allocation charges as well as zero policy administration charges for the first five years.
What is the premium allocation charge?
In Unit-Linked Insurance Plans, the premium allocation charge is an upfront cost deducted from the policyholder's premium. It is a certain percentage of the premium which varies from insurer to insurer. This charge accounts for the initial expenses incurred by the life insurance company in issuing the policy - such as cost of underwriting, medicals, expenses related to distributor fees etc. After deducting this charge, the remaining premium gets invested in the funds chosen by the policyholder.
Bajaj Allianz Life Future Wealth Gain offers zero premium allocation charges if the annualized premium is equal to or more than ₹ 3 lakhs.
What is the policy administration charge?
In Unit-Linked Insurance Plans, these charges are deducted every month to recover the expenses of maintaining the policy that includes record-keeping, paperwork, providing online services, etc. The policy administration charge gets deducted through the redemption of units at the prevailing unit price from the policyholder's unit account.
Bajaj Allianz Life Future Wealth Gain offers the zero policy admin charge benefit for the first five years of your policy. Afterwards, the policy admin charge becomes 2.1% of the prevailing annualized premium capped to the extent of ₹ 500 per month.
Other benefits of the Bajaj Allianz Life Future Wealth Gain plan include -
1. Fund booster at maturity - A percentage of the annual premium gets added back to the fund value at the maturity of the plan, enhancing the total maturity amount.
2. Periodic loyalty additions - For staying invested and paying your premiums on time, we reward you by adding a specified percentage of the annualised premium to the fund value every five years from the tenth policy year onwards.
3. Accelerated cancer cover - This benefit is available under the Wealth Plus Care variant. If the life assured has paid all premiums, then in the case of his/her first diagnosis of cancer, the life assured gets the higher of –
a. Sum assured plus top-up sum assured, if any, or Fund Value as on date of receipt of intimation of the first diagnosis of cancer.
b. The plan ensures a guaranteed benefit of 105% of the total premiums paid till the day of the first diagnosis of cancer, where the total premiums paid is (annualized premium X number of years for which premiums have been paid) + top-up premiums, if any, paid.
Invest in the Bajaj Allianz Life Future Wealth Gain to get your #LifeGoalsDone. To know more about our ULIP plan range, visit https://www.bajajallianzlife.com/ulip-plans.html
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