Home - Day 1 - Recognize | 30 Days of Yoga With Adriene
Yoga provides us the tools for getting to know who we really are. This journey is about reuniting with your self through regular practice. Through the process of getting to know who you really are, you will find that you need not prioritize the where, or the what, as much.
You just have to be brave enough to look inside and recognize who it is you see.
The opportunity is to be who you are and recognize where you are, today.
The choice is to do it honestly and with kindness.
In our first practice, we apply this to asana and open up to the postures serving as opportunities to make discoveries.
We ease in with a powerful practice of observation and recognition.
This is your longest class of the series, one in which sets the tone.
Let me know how it goes for you in the comment section down below.
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