4:45 - Is it true that people who workout have lower free testosterone?
6:53 - Dave's thoughts on orlistat.
8:10 - Is doing ONE cycle a year enough to reach maximum gains? What would be the minimal number?
9:18 - How does gear work better on some people than others? Better genetics? More receptors?
11:42 - Dave's thoughts on Matt Mendenhall, had he competed today.
12:34 - When do you consider an individual "enhanced?"
13:33 - What do you think about manipulating potassium and sodium before a contest?
15:20 - Post-contest rebound starving, should I push food or ride hunger?
17:02 - What are your thoughts on doing cardio pre-training if you're looking to build lean muscle?
17:58 - If body fat got high (20%) at the beginning of the off-season, would you continue to bulk or cut down body fat before continuing to grow?
18:43 - If someone struggles eating food, would a shake (isolate, carbs from oats/mac oil, peanut butter), is it a good meal to grow?
19:53 - Blood work shows low white blood cells - should I be considered?
20:35 - Thoughts on using nolvadex during T-ONLY cycle?
21:35 - Dave's thoughts on errr, perineum sunning.
22:54 - Best way to deal with acute foot pain around the metatarsal.
24:11 - Can I refrigerate OMEGALYZE?
24:44 - Anti-ester to use on........cycle.
25:42 - Advice on bringing up lagging bodyparts. My left arm is not catching up.
26:31 - Dave's thoughts on Laxogenin.
26:50 - More food, more cardio...or...less food, less cardio - assuming deficit remains same.
27:33 - Is choline inositol a good fat burner?
27:49 - Top tips for training around a torn bicep after surgery?
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