Super Transforming Ninja Star w/ Saw Tooth Blades!
[ Easy Origami ] How to fold an extra pointy 8-Pointed Transforming Ninja Star that expands into a flying frisbee disk with razor blades on its edges. This model requires 8 squares of paper which are each folded into a module the resembles the one in the 4-Pointed Transforming Ninja Star I taught here but this new 8-pointed version has points that are more narrow. The narrowness makes the star look sharper and gives it razor blades that protrude in the frisbee position, but it also helps make the modules slide together easier. If you try to use the original 4-Pointed Transforming Ninja Star module to make an 8-pointed ninja star (using the same assembly technique shown in this tutorial) you'll find that the modules tend to get stuck when pushing them together. But this version limits the length of the points in the star position just enough that the wrapping flaps don't wander into the wrong slots and so they don't get stuck. And if you understood all that then you must have an origami ninja brain and you probably don't even need this weapon because with your wit and intellect alone you can figure out how to tame your enemies!