[TOP 10] State/UT/NCR wise COVID-19 confirmed cases in INDIA from 31st Jan to 9th May ’20 (8:00 AM)
Disclaimer: This video contains visualization of data published by India Health Ministry to provide information and caution against the COVID-19 pandemic among the States/UT/NCR of India. This is only for educational purpose. There are no hate or bullying involved against any State/UT/NCR or community.
Timeline history of the COVID-19 confirmed cases State/UT/NCR wise from 31st Jan ’20 to 9th May ’20 (8:00 AM) in INDIA. I used the data published by India Health Ministry and classified and cleaned accordingly for nice and crisp visualization. Have fun!
I am a data geek and I love visualizations.
As always your feedback is welcome.
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Data source: India Health Ministry