What I Eat in a Week as a Vegan Student (low food waste)
Thank you for watching! I hope you enjoyed and that you got a few quick meal ideas from this video as well :) I do show you everything I ate for most of the days; however, I didn't show my snacks for the last two days I filmed so please do keep that in mind (I know, for example, that my whole packet of persimmons did go but I didn't film that!). I try and eat intuitively but have been told that I have a comparatively small appetite? Please try not to use What I Eat in a Day/Week videos on YouTube as an indication of how much YOU should be eating. I am aware that this mindset could be quite damaging or triggering so just make sure you're looking after yourself and staying safe.
If you're struggling with an eating disorder, please reach out for help:
BEAT EATING DISORDERS has a studentline which you can call: 0808 801 0811
One thing I forgot to mention is that every time I eat out, I donate money via the app ShareTheMeal. For just 35p you can feed a child for a day, and for just £2.45 you can feed a child for a week. This is something I've got into the habit of doing and which is so easy for you to do too. It's only a small amount but if lots of us get into the habit of donating, we can really make a difference. The world is in crisis at the moment but we CAN do things to help.
Also, do check out the World Food Programme's Stop The Waste campaign. https://cdn.wfp.org/2019/stop-the-waste/
Business Enquiries: [email protected]
Instagram - @_rubygranger
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2JKD4nM (see what I'm reading!)
Check out PUMPKIN PRODUCTIVITY, my online stationery shop:
THE KINDNESS JOURNAL: (this provides daily prompts to help you reflect on kindness and hopefully become more intentional in your actions) - https://www.pumpkinproductivity.shop/...
THE KINDNESS BADGE: (100% of profits go to Ditch the Label -- an anti-discrimination children's charity) https://www.pumpkinproductivity.shop/...
And my eBook about Erimentha Parker, an overachiever who has just started in Year 7 and is struggling with bullying for the first time (aimed at ages 9-13).
What I'm Reading at the Moment = Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Current Subscriber Count = 393,000
Daily Random Act of Kindness = be more mindful of food waste and if you are buying excess food! Also, as mentioned above, you could consider donating 35p via ShareTheMeal to feed a child for a day :)
Classical Music Recommendation = Portrait of Mom by Hans Zimmer
How old are you?
What are you studying?
English Literature (first year).
What are some of your favourite books / some recommendations?
Cat's Eye, Jane Eyre, Great Expectations, A Little Princess, The Overachievers: The Secret Lives of Driven Kids, The French Revolution (by Christopher Hibbert), The Harry Potter Series, The Odyssey (Emily Wilson translation), Frankenstein, Catalyst, Rebecca, History of the Rain, A Story of an African Farm, Fahrenheit 451, History of Wolves, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder, The Institute, A Monster Calls.