Top 10 Anger Remedies | Anger control, Prevention & Treatment in Homeopathy
Anger management issues arise when a person cannot express their anger in a healthy way. It is essential for a person to have a healthy outlet to let go of their anger. Some people tend to suppress their anger and some cannot control it both of these are harmful for the mind body and soul of that person. However, with the advancement of science we are able to create medication which help people who have anger management issues to help them further in their life.
Homeopathic Medicines mentioned in the video
1- Staphisgria (2:47)
2- Aurum met (3:26)
3- Iodium 200 (3:40)
4- Natrum Arsenicicum (4:00)
5- Kali Iodatum (4:22)
6- Hepar Sulphur (4:42)
7- Crocus Sativus (5:18)
8- Bufo (5:33)
9- Chamimilla (5:45)
10- Colocynth (6:33)
#top10angerremedies #angerissues #treatmentinhomeopathy