Top 10 diet trends of 2019 I Health and Nutrition
This video presents Top 10 diet trends of 2019
The “J.Lo diet”
Jennifer Lopez announced last January that she was working on a 10-day diet challenge, totally cutting down on sugar and carbs. Her Instagram post about the challenge leads to an instantaneous spike in Google traffic for the “J.Lo Diet”. Her nutritionist advised her to temporarily cut out dairy, grains, starchy vegetables, along with candy, pastries, and sweeteners. Instead, the actress and singer consumed cruciferous veggies like broccoli, leafy greens, and a lot of protein and fats from nuts, meat, seeds, eggs, and seafood.
The endomorph diet:
“Endomorphs” is a term to call people who have larger bodies and a higher percentage of body fat. Endomorphs often struggle with losing weight and gaining muscle.
They are recommended to eat a diet embracing protein, healthy fats, vegetables and a smaller amount of unrefined, high-fiber grains like amaranth and quinoa. The endomorph diet discourages eating white rice, processed food, bread, red meat, fried food, and excess sodium.
“No carb, no sugar”:
A “no carb, no sugar” diet is stricter than a low-carb diet. It diminishes many healthy high-fiber vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains. People following this diet run a high risk of nutrient deficiencies.
According to Google Trends, this diet is losing its popularity and searches for “no carb, no sugar” gradually decreased in March and April.
The list is going on…
Are you following any of these trends? Are they beneficial for you? Tell us in the comment section below.
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