By using sliders (or socks) we challenge our core, balance and mobility in this HIIT session. Let the sweat session begin!
Recommended Equipment: Sliders (socks, microfiber cloths, paper plates)
Recommend to do this work inside on a smooth floor surface or carpet.
Mobility Warm-Up
- TABATA: 20s work x 10s rest x 8 rounds x 4 Blocks
- DOUBLE BONUS: 60s each
Cool down & Stretch
Liability Disclaimer: By participating in this virtual training session, I am aware of my own health and physical condition, and having knowledge that my participation in any exercise program may be injurious to my health, am voluntarily participating in a physical activity.
Having such knowledge, I hereby acknowledge this release, any representatives, agents and successors from liability for accidental injury or illness which I may incur as a result of participating in the said physical activity. I hereby assume all risks connected therewith and consent to participate in said program.
Krista Bridges does not own the rights to the music and is using for performance use only and do not claim to own any of the rights of the music used.
DodgeFit 4Nov,2020