Full Body Workout Experiment Day 1 of 3
I have a very open mind so today I thought I would try something new. I said lets give this full body workout a try. I will be doing this Monday Wednesday and Friday. The videos will be coming out the same day I do them. On Friday (day 3) I will give you my final thoughts about how I like this type of workout split. So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss the next two workouts we have coming out in this full body workout experiment.
Make sure you checkout my full body workout playlist for more amazing full body workouts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNAUreWTt_ShGVcc6itb43w7JP1bFwqkV
Member website: https://mountaindogdiet.com/
Supplements: https://granitesupplements.com/
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IG: https://www.instagram.com/mountaindog1/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JohnMeadowsPage
Make sure you like the video share the video and subscribe to the channel. And if you would like me to answer any of you question please ask them in the comment section.
#FullBodyWorkout #JohnMeadows #Fitness